Learn More About How To Become A Surrogate
Have you decided that you want to be a surrogate mom? The process involved on how to become a surrogate in Idaho is not as easy as it appears. Before becoming a gestational surrogate mom, you must undergo numerous procedures. The following list presents general questions that will help you determine whether you can be a gestational surrogate mother. When you are able to answer “yes” to each of these queries, you’re on your way to becoming a gestational surrogate mom.
- Are you between the ages of 21 and 38 years old? Age is an essential aspect of surrogate motherhood due to the fact that, as a gestational surrogate mom, you must not be too young or too old. This will lessen the probability of high-risk gestations and also ensure your health and well-being as a gestational surrogate mom.
- Have you given birth to at least one child of your own and are you presently raising that child? This is one of the important requirements for becoming a surrogate mom. To have given birth to a healthy baby and to still be caring for that child helps assure your psychological, physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
- Were your previous gestations complication-free? Because safety is a priority, a soon-to-be surrogate mom must not have experienced any history of bleeding, pre-term labor, gestational diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia, or other risky conditions.
- Are you a non-smoker? A surrogate must be a non-smoker to help prevent birth problems or risks of any kind.
- Is your household stable and smoke-free? As a surrogate, your house must be free of ANY smoke enthusiasts. Second-hand smoke has more harmful effects than does first-hand smoke. With this in mind, your home should be practically smoke-free.
- Do you have efficient transportation? Reliable transportation is necessary for ensuring that you will not experience difficulty traveling from your residence to the medical office and back.
- Are you receiving federal financial support? As a prospective surrogate, you must not currently be living off welfare.
- Will you agree to a complete background assessment, on both yourself and your companion, if needed? A background check will not only protect you, but also offer peace of mind to intended dads and moms.
- Are you prepared to undergo a complete medical examination that determines whether you are physically fit enough to become a surrogate mom? This exam includes, but is not limited to, STD screening, a pelvic ultrasound, and hepatitis and drug screening.
Surrogacy is not for everyone. This list contains factors to consider before you say “yes” to becoming a surrogate mom. Once you have made the decision to become a surrogate mom, you’ll find that the rewards are life-changing.